
Website Demonstrations
Would you like us to demonstrate Labour Market Online for you? We can conduct an online tour of the portal for you. Please click this link: to arrange a time for your tour.
Ontario Labour Market Online aggregates LMI from thousands of sources with the goal of saving career professionals time and providing those in career transition with valuable insights into career planning, job search and selecting valuable education and training. Membership is only available to organizations and is made available to all of their career development staff. Each member organization also receives credentials for clients or students to use to be able to access the information on their own.
Breaking Labour Market Info: Tracking thousands of sources, we are constantly gathering new LMI to keep users up-to-date on the latest changes in the labour market.
Weekly Labour Market Hot Sheet: Each week, all career development staff receive an email summary of the latest labour market information with links to new resources.
Latest Research and Reports: We gather hundreds of reports and studies from labour market stakeholders and industry groups and upload this research for members to access.
Detailed Occupation Research: Separate pages for each of Ontario’s 16 sectors with information on top jobs, news items, research and the latest data.
Monthly Employment Data: Each month we break-down the latest employment data for 85 separate communities in Ontario, examining the emerging trends.
Labour Market Briefings: All of the staff of our members receive a monthly invitation to a one-hour online training session exploring new LMI, presented in a fun and engaging manner.
Additional Benefits
Client / Student Access: Each member organization receives posters and individual cards to display in their office and distribute to clients, including a standardized password to access the website from the resource centre or when they are off-site.
Professional Development Discounts: Each year the Ontario Labour Market Report hosts a Labour Market Year-in-Review Workshop and Labour Market Conference and member organizations get a 25% discount on registration.
More Information:
Tel: 647-660-3665
Starting a membership begins with submitting an application to While there is a formal membership application, the following information is required:
Contact Person with position title, email, telephone and mailing address
List of career development staff (all career development staff need to be included)
For each staff person, we require a first name, last name and email address.
To start your membership or learn more information,
please email: or telephone: 647-660-3665
Membership Rates
Organization: 1-10 staff
$79.99 /Month
New memberships are subject to a one-time onboarding fee of $159.95
Organization: 11-50 staff
$149.99 /Month
New memberships are subject to a one-time onboarding fee of $299.95
Organization: 51-100 Staff
$199.99 /Month
New memberships are subject to a one-time onboarding fee of $399.95
Organization: 101+ Staff
$249.99 /Month
New memberships are subject to a one-time onboarding fee of $499.95
Membership is based on the size of an organization.
If an organization is exclusively involved in career development, all of the staff would be factored in for membership.
For organizations where only a department or division of the organization is involved in career development (such as a college or university) only the staff delivering career services would be taken into consideration.
Good Value: As an example, for an organization with 45 career development staff, the cost of membership is just $149.99 per month or $3.35 per staff member.
Membership can be cancelled at any time.